Services To Mining Industry


A mine drone is an invaluable confined and dangerous space tool for underground and surface mining operations due to the hazardous and complex nature of the mining industry.As drones continue to advance rapidly, the opportunities for integrating mine drones are endless.

A mine drone is a drone that is specifically designed for or tailored for mining applications, like stockpile measurement, surveying, mapping, and inspections.Mining is a hazardous profession, as worksite conditions can change instantly. Both underground and surface mining will present unique challenges and inherent risks.

While drones will not eliminate every danger associated with traditional mining practices, they can be deployed to collect data in areas where humans are not allowed to enter.

6 Ways Drones Are Being Used in Mining

The mining industry has quickly adopted drone technology due to its ability to improve data collection, increase safety, and reduce operational expenses.

Here are 6 ways drones are used in mining:


Volumetric measurement is the science of calculating how much material is left in a stockpile of overburden, ore, or other mining materials. Due to the sheer size of stockpiles, it’s challenging to get accurate volume reports using manual methods.

However, the integration of a mine drone allows for quick deployment with inexpensive and reliable volume data. Tracking variations in stockpiles is cost-effective and helps reduce unnecessary waste.

Using advanced volume measurement software, mine drone photos are compiled to create a 3D model. The algorithms behind these apps calculate based on the volume between the base layer to the surface.

Mining drones can also track how much material has been excavated from a particular area and approximate how much backfill would be needed to fill a stope. As more 3D models are obtained, it’s easier to analyze data and see changes over time.


Crumbling rocks, gas leaks, dust explosions, chemical byproducts, and underground environments challenge even the best equipment and miners.

By using Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in mining, surveyors reduce these risks by removing humans from the inspection process. Remote monitoring improves on-site safety, saving time and reducing operational expenses.

In surface mining, stockpiles create sloped terrain that requires continuous stability monitoring. This data allows mine teams to detect early warning signs of instability and mitigate the issue to keep everyone safe while maintaining maximum efficiency with mining operations.

In underground mines, drones like the Elios 3 can navigate dusty, wet, and rocky ore passes to locate blockages. In addition, the equipped sensors create photogrammetric models to identify fractures and other geological features.


3D models generated by mine drone collected data have multiple use cases, making them a cost-effective tool. Before drilling and blasting begins, a model can be created as a historical record check to analyze the after-effects of the work.

An updated version of the model allows miners to make data-driven decisions about potential hazards from drilling and blasting in the future.


A mine consists of numerous moving components requiring systematic analysis and adjustments to achieve maximum efficiency and safety.

Mining drones are highly effective in the following areas:

  • Haulage road design. These roads are responsible for the transportation of mining materials from the worksite. The heavy traffic and equipment mean road conditions need to be assessed constantly. The data collected is also helpful in determining if improvements need to be made to the site infrastructure.

  • Equipment inspections. Keeping conveyor belts, crushers, grinding mills, and other vital components of the mine operation is crucial for low operating expenses and increased worker safety. Remote visual inspections via mining drones are a low-cost and safe tool for preventive maintenance. Some equipment, such as conveyor belts, can be visually inspected without disturbing the operation or production.

  • Worksite security. Security drones are becoming increasingly popular because of their quick deployment and the ability to cover a large area at record speed. The hazardous conditions at quarries, aggregate, and underground mines make mine drones excellent for protecting your investment. Having an aerial view is also helpful with coordination with emergency services if they are on the scene.

  • Worksite security. Security drones are becoming increasingly popular because of their quick deployment and the ability to cover a large area at record speed. The hazardous conditions at quarries, aggregate, and underground mines make mine drones excellent for protecting your investment. Having an aerial view is also helpful with coordination with emergency services if they are on the scene.

  • Environmental monitoring. Mining drones are a powerful tool in mitigating the environmental impacts associated with mining. For example, tailing dams at worksites hold hazardous chemicals. In the event these become unconfined, the effects could be devastating. Mine drones can monitor the stability of the dams to prevent leaks or runoff from the site.


Developing mining operations is historically expensive and dangerous. Traditional methods required teams of miners to traverse into unknown conditions to conduct stability analysis, surface mapping, ventilation modeling, and detect hazardous gasses.

Instead of sending people into inaccessible areas, a mine drone can navigate tight spaces safely and more efficiently than any human could.

In underground mining, the Elios 2 is the only drone that can handle confined spaces with reduced visibility, poor air quality, and signal interruptions.


Drones are used in on-site mining processing plants to inspect machinery. The benefit here is that drones can collect this data without stopping processing operations, keeping mining operations profitable.

The Benefits of Drones in Mining

The benefits of UAVs in mining are increasing as drone technology advances. As the mining industry embraces mining drones, more use cases will become available, improving safety, reducing costs, and optimizing efficiency.

The following are key benefits of drones for mining:

  • Aerial data collection provides valuable data points used to build models and assessments.
  • Eliminates the need for manned aircraft to conduct aerial inspections and volumetric measurements.
  • Frequent inspections highlight potential issues before they become expensive and disruptive to production.
  • Reduce the margin of error in stockpile measurements.
  • Perform security patrols instead of having a large security team, saving time and money.
  • Surveys are easy to conduct and repeat on an as-needed basis.
  • Reduces the environmental footprint by monitoring all systems and potential threats.
  • Mining drones are 30 times faster than ground-based inspections.
  • Using UAVs for mining improves accuracy due to a large set of data points.
  • The unique perspective of mining drones results in data point collection that is not feasible with traditional inspection techniques.
  • Advanced drone sensors capture high-resolution images and videos compared to ground-based sensing technology.
  • Remote monitoring, mapping, and inspections keep workers from dangerous working conditions.

How we work

  • 1. Share your project details

    Get in touch with us discuss your project details and then share your detailed and well documented project with us.

  • 2. Table talk

    Team analyses the project and if there is any clarification required or if there is any scope of improvement, we plan for a table talk. It not only raises the client trust but also helps us understand the client’s need in a better way.

  • 3. Preparation of BOM

    Any project requires a distinct set of skills and tools, same goes with the drone industry. Based on the project need team prepares the BOM.

  • 4. Cost estimation of the project

    According to the project and BOM list the cost of the project is estimated  and shared with the client and.

  • 5.Project agreement

    After mutual agreement on the project cost and payment terms and conditions project agreement is signed and team get deployed to the project.

  • 6. Project Delivery & Closure

    After the successful completion of the project, internal and external evaluation of the quality is done. Post satisfactory quality test project is delivered to client after full and final payment is received from the client and project is closed.